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Introducing the "Enter Giveaway Button"!

ForeverPrize members are automatically entered into our Monthly Featured Giveaways and can browse and enter our Marketing Partner giveaways by pressing the "Enter Giveaway Button".

Introducing the

Frequently Asked Questions

When are giveaway winners selected?

Giveaway winners are selected at 12pm EST on the 1st of every month.

What is the “Giveaway Button”?

Clicking our Giveaway button allows our logged in members to enter various Marketing Partner Giveaways. 

How are winners notified?

Winners will receive a phone call and email to notify them of their. win.  

How do I get my prize?

Prizes can be collected from the ForeverPrize marketing partner that sponsored the giveaway or the ForeverPrize Headquarters.

How does ForeverPrize make money?

ForeverPrize generates money from our Marketing Partners not our members. ForeverPrize also earns money from products and services sales.

Who is DjDeeDee?

DeShion DeShields “DjDeeDee” is ForeverPrize’s Vice President / Chief Marketing Officer and is responsible for various facets of our marketing operations. 


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